Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 6th Annual
Encoded Libraries for Drug Discovery
DNA-Encoded Libraries (DELs) for Expanding Chemical Space
APRIL 2 - 3, 2024
DNA-Encoded Libraries (DELs) are increasingly being used in the drug discovery industry to find new chemical matter with drug potential. This newest lead generation approach uses combinatorial biology to synthesize chemical building blocks with DNA tags so one's protein (usually) target-of-interest can be screened against a greater number of molecules and at a more rapid pace. However, with more hits comes the challenge of selecting the ones that can become the most viable drug candidates. Applying DEL to a wider range of targets is also at the forefront of advances in the field. At Cambridge Healthtech Institute's Encoded Libraries for Drug Discovery conference, join medicinal chemistry colleagues to hear from innovators and discuss best practices, successes, and remaining challenges with fellow practitioners.
6:00 pm MONDAY, APRIL 1: Dinner Short Course*
SC4: DNA-Encoded Libraries
*Premium Pricing or separate registration required. See Short Courses page for details.