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Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 2nd Annual

Lead Generation Strategies

Small Molecule Drug Discovery Advances

11-12 November 2025



The field of small molecule drug discovery is burgeoning with more and better ways to generate, identify, and optimize new chemical matter against a wider range of disease targets. CHI’s Lead Generation Strategies conference returns to Barcelona to spotlight examples of successful and/or innovative applications of covalent chemistry, DNA-encoded libraries (DEL), fragment-based ligand discovery (FBLD), and advanced computational tools to the vital early steps of drug discovery. Engage with a global network of pharma, biotech, and academic scientists to delve into the integration of chemical information from diverse screening approaches and learn how the latest medicinal and biophysical chemistry tools are speeding the process of finding, optimizing and selecting potential new orally bioavailable small molecule drug candidates.


Coverage will include, but is not limited to:


  • Covalent tools for lead generation
  • Fragment-based (FBDD) and fragment-assisted drug discovery
  • DNA-Encoded Library (DEL) technology for small molecule hit-finding
  • Affinity-Selective Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) for primary screening
  • ASMS for screening DEL libraries
  • Biophysical tools and innovations: NMR, SPR, Mass Spectrometry and more
  • Emerging target-engagement tools for secondary screening or lead optimization
  • Applying machine learning and artificial intelligence for hit ID or hit-to-lead steps
  • Integrating chemical information from multiple screening approaches
  • Success stories on difficult-to-drug targets


The deadline for priority consideration is 4 April 2025.


All proposals are subject to review by session chairpersons and/or the Scientific Advisory Committee to ensure the overall quality of the conference program. Additionally, as per Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s policy, a select number of vendors and consultants who provide products and services will be offered opportunities for podium presentation slots based on a variety of Corporate Sponsorships.


Opportunities for Participation:


For more details on the conference, please contact:

Anjani Shah, PhD

Senior Conference Director

Cambridge Healthtech Institute

Phone: (+1) 781-247-5262

Email: ashah@healthtech.com


For sponsorship information, please contact:

Kristin Skahan

Senior Business Development Manager

Cambridge Healthtech Institute

Phone: (+1) 781-972-5431

Email: kskahan@healthtech.com

Submit a Proposal
Next-Gen Degraders & Molecular Glues
Protein-Protein Interactions

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