“I found it both inspiring and energizing to connect with so many talented professionals who are passionate about advancing our field.”
Stefan Geschwinder, AstraZeneca
“The event was incredibly stimulating, offering a unique platform to engage in discussions with renowned researchers in our field.”
Ohta A., Chugai Pharma
“The conference perfectly balanced cutting-edge science and high-impact insights from industry and academia.”
Abbas W., Merck
“The balanced participation from academia, big pharma & biotech ensured comprehensive coverage of various approaches & opinions.”
Ge Z., Roche Shanghai
“Want to know more about the latest developments in Drug Discovery Chemistry? This is your go-to conference.”
Sergio Martinez Cuesta, AstraZeneca
“A great opportunity to see the last developments in the field of drug discovery. A good conference also for networking!”
Jacques Harmon, Novartis
“A perfect mix of excellent lectures, good posters, networking opportunities, and a very good atmosphere.”
Sanne Glad, Amgen
“I enjoyed a lot the talks, posters, and made a lot of connections. It was a very nice event!”
Jose Carlos Gómez-Tamayo, Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine